Writing brought me to acting.
Acting brought me to life.
Acting taught me to tell stories in a whole new way — with my body, my voice; things said and unsaid. It made me a better observer, a better listener. I learned to think more about why we say and do the things we do. Me included. And that, I think, made me a better storyteller in every way. And maybe, I hope, a better person, too. Becoming an actor was like discovering color in a black and white world. To hear the orchestra playing, not just see the notes on the page. It revived my passion for storytelling. In all its many forms.
I started, at the ripe young age of 65, because I wanted to see what it was like to have someone else’s words flow through me. To feel the fiction come alive, before I wrote my own.
Like everything I love in life, I dove in completely. I take classes continuously, read books by and about actors and acting, study screenplay analysis and writing techniques.
It’s paying off.

Watch Episode 3 of National Treasure 2 on Disney+ and you’ll see me having a lengthy, impassioned argument with one of the TV series’s leads. My very first BIG production. A speaking, supporting part. Of course, the way they shot and edited it, all you’ll see is the back of my head. That’s showbiz!
Bigger parts came soon after. You actually get to see my face in big chunks of a couple of romcoms. In a few commercials. (Friends kept texting during “Wheel of Fortune” to say, “I saw you!”)
You may have even seen my giant-sized face on the side of a bus in South Florida.
It’s fun. It’s challenging. It’s invigorating.
Way beyond my wildest dreams!